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February 26, 2025

Anyone there? Hello?

Why I have chosen today, February 26th 2025, to make a post on this documentation relic from a bygone era of my life… I’m not entirely sure. It could be because I am on day 4 of the flu. It could also be because in some way, these times seemed simple and I long for simplicity once again. If anyone is out there, who? What are you doing these days? I literally forgot how to insert a picture.. it’s been too long 😹

November 28, 2012

damn y'all, this is what i've been spending my free time doing =)

March 12, 2012

Oh look, more nail pics!

These have all been posted to my Instagram, so I will share them with you here now.. and I plan on sharing more nail photos, as I currently do not have the time or motivation to do my makeup these days. I'm really into just wearing powder, and hot pink blush brought up a bit under my eyes, mascara, and lip balm or gloss. VERY simple, but also very striking.


The above look is one I did a few days ago and LOVED IT. The hot pink was placed JUST on the tip, the free-edge, and a little under the nail. It was supposed to look fiber-optic, or like those shitty pink drawing pads that when you press down on them, they turn hot pink.. then you have to lift the plastic to 'clear' your drawing. Does anyone know what I'm talking about??

This photo was taken with my very best friend, Chelsea.. Don't you LOVE the natural heart formation in the rock?! This was at Garden of the Gods in Colorado. Maybe I'll post more pictures from our trip there. She visited me in Colorado from Taos, New Mexico before I moved away to California. Unfortunately, She had JUST moved 5 hours away from me.. then we moved!!! We're already planning our next visit =) Enjoy your week!

Most recent nail polish, and top serious NEWS

Hello all! Since my last post a lot has happened; we have moved to Los Angeles, California!!!! We're settling in amazingly.. Our new place is perfect, the weather is to die for, and honestly.. I don't miss Colorado in any way. There must be something about the altitude, cold, lack of humidity, lack of sun, or all of the above that made me feel not quite right/depressed. Ever since I've been here I've felt normal again, my energy has come back, and my skin is getting better. I can say with certainty that I have no desire to move back, and that this was a really good idea =)

Michael is now working for a company called Chiat/Day, the do advertising for Apple, Nike, and other large companies.. He's loving it, and they are respectful of his time and sanity. Here's a video of their badass office: 

And here's what I got for now, more to come more often since I'm actually growing them out =) and sorry for not posting for a long time!!

I used a Color Club - Oh Naturale as the base, and Orly - Sweet Peacock on the tips. Do you like this look? I used to HATE the way Oh Naturale looked on me by itself, but It's interesting with another color.

December 4, 2011

short watermelon post

i know it's been done before, but these colors are delicious together.. pink and green are also the colors related to the heart chakra! i used all new Aromaleigh colors for this look. lately, all the sample bags from the new AL collections have just been out on my vanity, since they are still exciting =)

so.. next weekend we will be traveling to Los Angeles, CA. it'll be from friday - sunday. i'm pretty excited, thought it will be a short, dreamlike trip. i can't wait to talk more about it, but for now i'll leave you with that tidbit.

i used: AL - Nina, Al - Saiph, AL - Altair, AL - Marni, AL - Love's Easy Tears.

enjoy <3

December 2, 2011

favorite hair color EVAR, and very neutral make-up look =)

hello again! today i would like to share my current hair color. i had no idea mixing some red with conditioner and applying it over blue would turn out so nicely! i'll probably be keeping this for a good long while. 

some of the things i used for the look:
-MAC yogurt eyeshadow all over lid and lower lash line
-Detrivore Cosmetics Lecher eyeshadow mixed with Fyrinnae's Avian Shapeshifter for the liner. AS applied on lower lash line and inner v. Lecher applied to crease.
-MAC Chill eyeshadow under brow (best shit)
-Clinique Creamy Nude lipstick
-Silver glitter liner from Fantasy Makers applied to middle lower lash line
-Detrivore Cosmetics Wormwood eyeshadow on freshly plucked brows. plucked is such a gross word.

over all, i'd say this is a really easy neutral look that could be expounded upon millions of times. last night i imagined doing 'neon skin' colored eyeliner and this is what i came up with! enjoy <3

thanks for looking !

December 1, 2011

Aromaleigh - new collection shades!

i am finally posting new pictures!! these looks were all done with the new Aromaleigh collections.. that i love. i ordered sample sets of starry night, fall tapestry, and valentines 2011. i think i may hold off on anymore orders until a few more collections are released, though it has been exciting to see so many new colors!! please forgive the state of my eyebrows =(

also, you may be seeing more posts from me.. i switched from using my macbook to edit/post, to using the huge iMac that has been untouched by me until i got the bright idea to use it instead. it's so much better!! and for some reason, my photos don't lose color when i post them from the iMac!

what's been new with you? i am excited to be back into posting! i've been making a ton of jewelry, and even started an etsy shop. i'll post the link to it when i have more than 2 items up =) send me an email, let's talk.

for the first look i used AL - Spica, Capella, Shaula, Izar and Shy Blush
for the second look i used AL - Antares, Procyon, And Betsey.
i've been using Fyrinnae's Medieval Haunting on my brows, it's highly pigmented and a little gold.. i love it!
